Thursday, December 10, 2009

Will you wait till the news media tells you who won and why to make up your mind?

Will you have the mental acuity and strength to remain truthful to yourself? Will you wait till the news media tells you who won and why to make up your mind?
The media already knows who won. Will you wait till the news media tells you who won and why to make up your mind?
I always know who i feel won the debates, but being that I am far from undecided, I do like to hear from the media who undecides seem to feel won the debates.

Take the last debate, I certainly thought obama did better, and so did undecideds. But, I would have been concerned if undecided voters seemed to feel that mccain had won the debates. I dont listen to punduits like Hannity of Franken, because they are highly biased. But I do like watching what unaffiliated voters think.
Having the mental acuity and strength to remain true to myself has nothing to do with sometimes showing a willingness to put some trust in others. Trust is sometimes betrayed, but that's just how life works.

If you're asking about the VP debate, then I don't feel a need to isolate myself from the opinions of others. Mental acuity and strength is not incompatible with openness toward the views of other people. If no one can persuade me that my views might be wrong, then what sort of person am I?
When watching a debate, I start making up my mind as soon as the 2 parties enter the stage.

On last Sep 26 debate, Obama was looking at McCain as they shook hands. What did McCain do? he quick-glanced at Obama then turned to the audience. That showed disrespect. McCain didn't look at OBAMA again during the debate.... a big minus.

OBAMA remained Presidential and unhurried throughout; McCain looked angry, fidgety and rushed.

We already know who the media is picking before the debate starts....

I will be very surprised if the media actually picked the person that does win....

I will be watching and make my own assessment.....thank you.
I go out of my way to ignore what the news media says.
you mean obama hasn't won yet? i thought for sure i heard cnn declare him the winner 2 months ago. what's up?
You must be routing for Palin!

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