Thursday, December 10, 2009

Who wants to help me make up my own dictionary?

Hey guys… I am starting my own dictionary with words that have never been used, and have never existed before. It is called the, “Dictionary of Words That Have Never Been.” So I want your help on this… Can you make up a word – any word – just as long as it is a completely made up, never existed word that you created. Then tell me what its definition is and how it is pronounced. And finally make up a sentence with your new word in it as an example just like a real dictionary does. ^_^

This should be fun! Here I’ll give you an example of some of my already created new words!

Kaplooting (Ka•plu•ting) Verb: To deliberately play an instrument terribly, just for amusement.

Ex: Dave was singing off key and kaplooting in an effort to get the girl he liked to laugh.

Ha Ha! See… now this may seem crazy, but it is part of a creative project I am doing for college as part of my English thesis. I (obviously) am an English major and a big word fanatic. See my questions for proof. Ha Ha!Who wants to help me make up my own dictionary?
From A to Z

argle - to argue while gargling

Dick knew he and Jane were going to argle over her mother's upcoming visit when she stomped off to get her mouthwash.

bloach - to kill a cockroach with a blow torch

You could tell the apartment was seedy from all the bloach marks on the kithchen floor.

clambell - to pound your spoon on the table waiting for the soup to be served

Mom brought the chicken noodle soup to the table just in time as her kids were about to pick up their spoons to clambell.

denebulate - clear up a mysterious situation

The detective was able to denebulate the murder by showing how the butler did it.

eelectrocute - to shock someone with a cute eel

The sign in the aquarium warned, ';Don't pet the pretty eels. They can eelectrocute you.';

fantabulate - count the all-star ballots for a professional sport's league

It takes twelve Certified Public Accountants to fantabulate the NBA all-star ballots.

giraffle - to lope along like a long-legged giraffe

The marathon runner settled into a giraffle to conserve energy as he hit the halfway point on the course.

handangle - to let your arms rest by your sides

Symphony conductors need to handangle between numbers because the baton can get heavy after awhile.

inkubake - stick a pen in the oven

It is an odd sort of pleasure to inkubake.

jamble - to gamble with jars of jam

My mother taught me never to jamble with any fruit spread I couldn't afford to lose.

kilk - to kick someone in the kilt

Don't you just want to kilk William Wallace?

leakalot - to poke many holes into something

The commando were taught to leakalot any enemy boats they found on the shores where they landed.

mallify - to turn vacant property into a shopping center

The developers presented their plans to mallify the old Parker Ranch.

nesterize - to stick a bird's nest into the blender

The first step in making bird's nest soup is to nesterize a robin's nest.

ornamate - to make love to Santa under the Christmas Tree

I think the kids saw Momma ornamate last Christmas Eve.

permaffle - to hold a drawing for a free hair styling

Betsy Hair Salon held a permaffle to celebrate the grand opening.

quattle - to gossip while sewing a quilt

Grandma and seven of her friends would gather in our basement every Wednesday to quattle.

roominate - to decide on a roommate

I had to roominate a little before choosing the luscious Linda over the bookish Becky as my new roommate.

skipulate - to skip real fast so you won't be late for school

I checked my watch and saw it was 7:55 a.m. and I knew I had to skipulate the last 11 blocks or I would be in detention that afternoon.

tooter - to give some extra lessons on how to blow a whistle

Billy needed a tooter to figure out how to play his new slide slide whistle.

ultralize - to make something sound way better than is really is

I might ultralize to say these are the best made up words you are going to get.

vansquish - to stuff as many people into a van as possible

The Pi Delts were able to vansquish two more frat boys into the Chevy Astro than their challengers the Rho Gams.

wagdance - what a dog does when he is happy to see you

Benji would always wagdance when I came home. I miss Benji.

xercise - to stop working out

Watching Jack LaLane is enought to make anyone xercise.

yamhammer - to mash sweet potatoes

My Aunt Myrtle would always yamhammer the sweet potatoes until all the lumps were gone to make her award winning Sweet Potatoe Pie.

zebralate - to paint black stripes on something

If you zebralate your dad's beer belly while he is sleeping, you best not be around when he wakes up.Who wants to help me make up my own dictionary?
mato-mato = for tomato e.g: i want mato-mato salad please.. hows that sounds?
Jnfjasfwaefwefklwaeklfwae: another word for hello.

Jnfjasfwaefwefklwaeklfwae my name is daniel.

Pronnounced exactly like hello.
You sound like my daughter. She comes up with words and I can't understand her. SHe is now 12. I told her to make up her own
Vlog (Vlog) Noun (I think): Someone that acts like an animal.

Ex: Mia spent such a long time with her cat that she was turning into a vlog.
woobie-(woo-bie) noun. a woobie is a yeti like creature that comes to your house late at night and eats all your food and makes messes all around your house and sometimes will eat you if you wake up and see it. plural. woobies. lol. my boyfriend made this up. lol.
Fuzzle (Fuh•zle) Noun: A furry baby seal.

Ex: I think that fuzzles are cute.
snaperdoodles (snap-er-du-dls)) adj: describes something really amazing or different

confuzzeled (con-fuz-zuld) verb(not sure): being extremely confused and puzzled at the same time

--I was so confuzzeled when my friend started speaking to me in Spanish.

doodledadili (du-dl-da-di-ly) verb: to doodle with no other purpose than to waste time

--The class was soo boring that i doodledadilied for the whole period!


techdadili (tek-da-di-ly) verb: to surf the web or talk on the phone or watch T.V. with no other purpose than to waste time

--At home i didn't know what to do so i just techdadilied the whole day on the couch.

coolcumber (cul-***-ber) adj/noun: to be cool as a cucumber in the sense of being cold-ish or being popular

--The man with the cool bike is definitely a coolcumber! Look at all the people around him!

slisten (sli-stin) verb: to fake that you are listening

--The man had to slisten to his wife while she yapped and yapped about the bad job he did fixing the sink.

folksphobia (foe-ks-foe-bee-u) ????: the fear of your parents

--I have an extreme case of folksphobia, I'm always scared... they're calling i have to go!

javdee (jav-dee) ????: a joyful, young form of love.

--Them guy was definitely in javdee, he did her every bidding.
schunngleuff (ssh-uguggle-gruff) Noun: Someone that is not mentaly stable.

eg. John was schunngleuff as he cooked his hand and fed it to a duck.
octopussy --- an 8-legged cat

meloncholy --- when fruit feels sad

cornfused --- wondering how much of your gasoline is actually ethanol
Ambrogence-- over eating of something sinfully delicious.

Marguerite suffered from ambrogence after indulging in a second helping of chocolate mousse.

Claustronestive--the fear of settling in.

Arthur was feeling claustronestive about moving in with his girlfriend, Daisey.

Factuallacy--what seemed to be true turned out not to be.

Christine felt the fool after discovering the factuallacy behind Bernard's defection.

Selminate--to dump the old junk in order to acquire new junk.

We need to selminate all the stuff in the garage before the truck arrives with our new stuff.

1 comment:

  1. mann i love bird's nest soup too even IF its made from spit!!! <333

    i eat it like once every monthish and used to bought from website sometimes, my mom went back to hong kong and bought a full suitcase of it cause its cheaper there XD


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