Monday, June 21, 2010

Can a non-exempt employee make up time missed within the same week?

Or do you have to make it up in the same day (ie come in early or work through lunch? What about exempt employees?Can a non-exempt employee make up time missed within the same week?
That's really up to your company's policy unless your state overtime laws say you have to get paid overtime for working more than 8 hours (instead of when you go over the total 40/week).Can a non-exempt employee make up time missed within the same week?
It is up to the employer generally. If you missed lots of time - say 4 hours then most employers may want you to come in an extra day but if it was 30 minutes then tacking on the end of the shift makes more sense.

Also, the employer can choose not to let you make up the time and thus your paycheck will be smaller!

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