Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Do you make up nicknames for the players on your favorite team?

I do, some people think it's weird. Now, these nicknames aren't very clever. Jacoby Ellsbury is ';Jake';, Pedroia is ';Pedey'; or ';Dusty';, Jon Lester is ';Lesty';, Wakefield is ';Knuckles'; or ';Knuxie'; because he throws knuckle balls. Papelbon is ';Paps';. And I used to call Coco Crisp ';Coco puff'; Those are just some of the ones I can think of. What are your nicknames for the players on your favorite team?Do you make up nicknames for the players on your favorite team?
Yessss, I have one for like every single player on the team!!!!!!

Oakland A's:

Jason Giambi: Giambino (lol)

Mark Ellis: Elli

Orlando Cabrera: Cabewa

Kurt Suzuki: Suzukers

Matt Holliday: Holly

Jack Cust: Custard

Travis Buck: T-Buck

Rajai Davis: Ra Ra

Eric Chavez: Chavy

Jack Hannahan: Hanny

Brad Ziegler: Ziggy

Andrew Bailey: Bails

and there's more, but I kind of keep the nicknames simple and similar to their last names, or first.Do you make up nicknames for the players on your favorite team?
You know Carla, the Red Sox have many nicknames for their players and a lot of times I go by their nicknames too. Youkilis is ';Youk';, Pedroia is ';Pedey';, Ortiz is ';Big Papi';, Lugo is ';Lugey';, Varitek is ';Tek'; or ';The Captain';, Papelbon is ';Pap';, Matsusaka is ';Dice-K';, and Okajima is ';Okie';. So yeah I call these guys by their nicknames.
Definitely, I like the braves

Kotchman- Kotchy

Johnson- KJ

Escobar- Yuni

Chipper-... uhh... Chipper.....

Diaz- Matty

McLouth hasnt earned one yet

Blanco- Greg White

Francoeur- Frenchy

McCann- Big Mac

Vasquez- Javy

Soriano- Rafy

Gonzalez- Gonzo

I could keep going but i wont
Upton-Blow...Job Upton(his name is BJ UPTON)

Longoria-Longo, Eva








Balfour-Aussie, Grant Strike 3
Yes..I got a few. :]

Chris Davis - Crush Davis

Saltalamacchia - Saltymoccha

Hamilton- Hambino

Young - Mr. Clutch

McCarthy- B-Mac
I would never have gotten Knuckles. Tim Wakefield throws knuckle balls? lol I just have one. Jorge Posada. ';Po Po'; stupid, I know.
I call A-Rod: ******, A-Choke, A-Cock, A-****, A-Crap, and A-Joke.

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