Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I have fair skin and I dont know what color make up would work with my complection. Eny help?

I'm a teen and i have blonde hair and green eyes.I have fair skin and I dont know what color make up would work with my complection. Eny help?
ok wear light pink blush with a light purple eye shadow and dark [ like a plum color ]purple eyeliner then take white eyeshadow and put under your eyebrow and here's a trick of the trade if you want your nose to look uplifted put some light eyeshadow on it.and a little gloss on the lips and you'll look perfect for your skin toneI have fair skin and I dont know what color make up would work with my complection. Eny help?
well a fair makeup with pobably a pink tone(:

any cold color actually

-pink,or rosy blushes / golden bronzer

-just about any eyeshadow just not DARK brown or black,and gravys are not to flattering especialy for a teen, usually avoid orange too-anything as long as its not tacky or hoockerish.

-dark brown or black mascarra is good, eyeliner isnt really a nessesity

-clear or baby pink/peachy sheer gloss.

hopw it helped(:
Since you're fair and (and a teen) light natural colors will look best. Wear peachy pink blush on the apples of your cheeks. I like green eyeliner if you wear any at all(it will also bring out the color of your eyes). Light, shimmery, bronzy brown colors for eyeshadow should be great. Lip gloss, mascara, and you're ready to go!

Remember to always keep it natural and fresh. Too much make-up is never attractive.
Use Airspun makeup. Use the Naturally Nutural color. Dont use dark make-up because it will make you look unevenly colored. Use covergirl Define and line Black Mascarra and BROWN eyeliner. Black does not look good on a person with fair skin. Use a light colored lip gloss. No lipstick.
Use light makeup. If you wear eyeliner, use grey instead of black and do not use a lot. Use any color eyeshadow you would like to, but natural colors (green, brown, beige) will look the best. Apply a small amount of mascara. Use cover up if you wish, but use light colors (peaches, beige) for your cheeks.
there is this thing from maybelene new york and it starts out white then automatically matches your skin tone. you can get it at walmart.
browns (eyes) and peaches (cheeks)

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